Monday, January 7, 2008

Blog 3

Say what?!?!
“And you know what? If Jesus did come back today, like everybody in this church thinks he will before they die, nobody would listen to him. Jesus would do what Jesus would do…He was a rebel. He would be right up here with me, telling you guys that kids can think for themselves and it’s okay for them to read about hard things. In fact I might be Jesus. What about that? I might be Jesus…when he was young, he didn’t even know he was Jesus…Maybe I haven’t proved myself yet. Maybe one of the things I had to do was get up here out of the things I had to do was get up here out of your reach and yell at you and tell you that stupid book is okay, and who don’t you leave us alone,”(Crutcher 196-198).
This is just a small part of the chapter that I would say is my favorite out of the entire book. It’s Eddie talking to his church congregation so he can make a point. The quote is about how no one really knows Jesus for sure. He was a very mysterious guy and he did things that nobody expected from him. If you really think about it he was a rebel as Eddie said. He didn’t follow anybody but God. Eddie is not trying to preach he religion, but really make a point. He doesn’t really think he’s Jesus, but he’s a person Eddie thinks he can make a connection to. Eddie says he doesn’t know who he is yet and he’s trying to find himself. On that path in the search for his inner self he feels he has to stand up for the book and by doing so he knows that he can make a difference and do something he feels is morally right.
This speech is also a struggle for power and Eddie isn’t going to give easily. During most of the book Eddie decides not to talk and he does so because that’s about the only thing he can control. In his speech, sense he has a chance to talk he takes the opportunity to voice his opinion. This is probably the quote that makes me most connected to Eddie. Here he stands up for himself and what he believes, and I really give credit to people who do that. I try to stick up for myself but it’s hard to sometimes if people are picking on you.
Eddie also says to leave him and the other kids at school who want to read the book alone. This is another example how kids when there is an issue that affects them they come together. I don’t think adults know how much power kids really have when they work together. We are a force to reckon with when we all are passionate about something and when work as one we’re indestructible. The one thing I want people to take away from this book is that don’t judge anyone unless you really know them and never underestimate anyone.


e l l e said...

Julia Huber :::
First of all, I love how you started your blog off with a quote, It got me very interested and wanted to keep reading. You have some very strong opnions and I agree with you on all of them. I agree with what you were saying that when kids set their minds to something, they can achieve it. I believe that a lot of kids are underestimated. Very good paper Julia Huber, haha see you at school :]

Basketballfrk23 said...

I loved this blog!! I like how you started off with the quote, it makes people think that this is a weird book because he thinks he's Jesus, but it will make them keep reading because they will think there is something more interesting, which it was. I like how you related to him by sticking up for yourself and that it is hard because people keep bringing you down when you try to do that. This was an awesome blog!

snitchcatcher51 said...

Thanks guys for the comments. I really liked that part of the book because we finally got to hear what Eddie had to say. We really didn't know anything that was going through Eddie's head until he gave his speech at the church. It also lead up to the speech at the school, but I liked this speech better. It was more about Eddie and his journey in finding himself. Did you like the speech at the school or at the church better?