Monday, January 7, 2008

Blog 1

In The Sledding Hill Chris Crutcher decides to insert himself into the book. One of his other books is being banned in a super uptight Christian community. The main character writes to Crutcher and asks him to maybe write something so he can read it during the council. Chris Crutcher even shows up to the town council meeting.
I think this is really stupid. Who puts a ton of stuff about themselves, has one of their books in another one of their books, and shows up in the book? It’s so annoying to think that the author thinks that he needs to include himself into the book. Crutcher evens says that a dead kid wrote The Sledding Hill for him.
One of the issues in the book is banned books. A lot of Crutcher’s books have been banned in many libraries and so Crutcher decides to write a book about a book being banned. He keeps talking about another book called Warren Peece. He talks all about the book such as that the main character is gay, a minor character gets an abortion, and he also says there’s a lot of rude language in the book.
The town that the main character, Eddie, lives in is separated into super Christians or losers and nobodies. These people don’t know how to connect with each other and so it goes into a feud over a book. I mean seriously who cares? This story is so boring. I don’t care that some town is debating over a book to ban. In my opinion it’s your freedom to read whatever you want. You shouldn’t be told what to read and not to read. If a book is banned it makes you want to read the book more than before. I don’t understand why some adults, mostly parents, want their kids not to read some stuff, even though it’s out there in the real world. Yah some stuff is too mature for younger kids, but if you’re in high school and you reading about abuse, drug use, or offensive language then that’s exactly what is happening in school so I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be ok to read. Adults don’t know what it’s like to be in high school these days. They think suck is the most profane word we use. Ha-ha yah right. If some of our parents or adult figures were teens again they wouldn’t last one day without being beat-up. I think some adults have forgotten what it’s like to be a teen and if they don’t then they would know that teenagers like freedom and also adults can’t just take away books they feel are “inappropriate” because teens have a right to know what’s out there.


Anonymous said...

I loved your blog about banning books. You presented many great ideas. My favorite part of your blog was when you said that the adults have no idea what high school is like now days. That is so true. I agree with what you said about once you bean a book even more people want to read it. Also, how you said that what is inside books is exactly what is in the real world, and when they take that away it is just making us unprepared for what is ahead of us in the future. GREAT JOB!!!!

Steph said...

Julia- Nice job on your blog. I totally agree about what you’re saying about Crutcher putting himself into the book. I also thought that the ending was stupid. I mean really couldn't he think of a better way than say a dead kid wrote it for him? And you are right about kids wanting to read books more after they are banned. If the church in the story wouldn't have tried to ban the book in the first place, then all the kids in those secret meetings wouldn't have even read the book.

Edgar Jananaesropbx said...

I love your blog, especially because it is pink but I like how you formated your blog and that you did a great job. I agree with you that it was weird of of Crutcher to put himself into the book and put one of his books in there. I agree with most ideas, except the one you left on my page. Kids should read any book they want to read. Keep up the great work.

snitchcatcher51 said...

Hey Kristi,
Thanks for writing on my blog. I hope you liked this blog. It was hard to write anything so I just sort of put what I was thinking at the time, so sorry if you couldn't really understand what I wrote. I'm glad you enjoyed reading though. Do you think that books should be banned? Why or why not? Why do you think some books are banned and some others aren't? Do you know who actually does ban books? Because I'd like to meet them and tell them about how dumb they are.

snitchcatcher51 said...

Yo Koob,
Thanks for the comment. I know our blogs rock because they're pink! Why did Crutcher put himself in the book? I don't know why, maybe because he felt compelled to tell everybody about himself. I also don't know why he didn't just pick another different book that's banned but not one of his. By putting another one of his books he seems really self-centered. Would you want to read Warren Peece from all you've heard about now?